

Sunday, 26 January 2014

George Beaumont's dog Pickle (1816)


Lock of Pickle's hair, the enclosing paper is marked:-
Pickle. This was cut from his tail and leg by me Octr. 7, 1816, the day after he had worryed our neighbour Waldron's cat, for which all our house was incensed against him. But I by my dextrous pleading for the dumb animal re-instated him in favour with his bones whole. G.B..
And on the packet:- 
Pickle. The faithful and affectionate friend of my youth, who has hazarded his life for me and whose sagacity I shall always remember.

Item: BA Box 1.084 (There is also a kind of soliloquy between Master and Dog (George and Pickle - a spaniel - referring to November 1816).
Provenance: Southwell (from East Bridgford).

This is George Beaumont 1796-1882. The incident with the cat presumably occurred at Ashted.

“Pickle” was the name of the ship that brought news of Trafalgar to England in late 1805 – George put a cutting about that into his scrapbook.


  1. Pickle is the best name for a dog I can think of! Looking forward to reading more about this and other animals...

    1. Hello LS there are some other animals (not just My Family and Other..); I'll start looking for some for you.
