

Sunday, 26 January 2014

About Boxes 1, 17 and 18

Box 17
contains items formerly at Nottinghamshire Archives with reference PF/143.

These, I think, remained at East Bridgford Hill until its sale in 1908 when they must have gone to R.H. Beaumont’s office in Nottingham and thence to Southwell. They then seem to have gone to Perry Parr & Ford, the firm of solicitors, back in Nottingham, in which R.M.Beaumont was a partner. They were deposited by R.M.Beaumont in 1952. These were personal papers belonging to him. They remained at Nottingham Archives until June 2006 when I withdrew them.

The numbering system in Box 17 is that (for example) 143/76 is now Box 17/76. 
Box 17 contains about 80 items. These begin from the late 17th century (copy leases etc) and contain a number of 18th century items concerning the Chapelthorpe (near Wakefield) lands, which eventually came mostly to Rev. Thomas Beaumont of East Bridgford, who I think sold most of this by c.1800. But Box 17 also contains some late 19th century items mostly relating to my grandfather R.H.Beaumont 1865-1952.

Box 18
contains items formerly at Nottinghamshire Archives with reference PF/2184. These items were in R.M. Beaumont's desk and cupboards at Southwell and in a box in the loft when he died in 1998. I think that from East Bridgford my grandfather must have taken them to Nottingham and thus they ended up in Southwell but did not go to PF&F. I deposited them and they remained at Nottingham Archives until June 2006 when I withdrew them.

The numbering system in Box 18 is that (for example) 2184/3/4 is now 18/304 and 2184/5 is now 2184/500.
Box 18 contains about 60 items, roughly between 1790 and 1935, relating mainly to the family in Nottinghamshire.

Box 1
contains the oldest Beaumont items that I found in the houses at Southwell and Fishbourne (mainly Southwell). These have never been lent or deposited with any public archive. Box 1 contains just over 200 separate items, many very small. Generally these are of the nineteenth century and earlier. This collection includes some early photographic images.

The Box 17 and 18 items are in fact now stored in one box. Box 1 is a whole box.

I hope to put posts in this blog soon showing my full catalogue for at least Boxes 1 and 17. The Box 18 (2184) items are still listed in the Nottinghamshire Archives catalogue (as at today), so they are already accessible in that way. That Nottinghamshire catalogue also contains a series (2126) of photographs of the family pictures. I had the pictures photographed in 1998 and gave the copies to Notts. Archives.

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