

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Commission to Richard Beaumont (Derbyshire Militia, 1782)

The Right Honourable George Cavendish Esquire commonly called Lord George Cavendish Lord Lieutenant and custos rotulorum //
of the county of Derby; and one of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council,//
To Richd. Beaumont Gent.://
I reposing special trust and confidence in your Loyalty Courage and Conduct to do His Majesty good and faithfull service, by virtue of the power and authority to //
me given by the King's most Excellent Majesty under the Great Seal of Great Britain, as Lord Lieutenant of the said County of Derby and in pursuance of an Act//
of Parliament made and passed in the Second year of His Majesty's reign entitled an Act to Explain, Amend and Reduce into one Act of Parliament the several//
Laws now in being relating to the raising and training the Militia within that part of Great Britain called England and of all other laws now in being relating to//
the said Militia; have nominated, constituted appointed and given Commission to and by these Presents do nominate, constitute, appoint and give Commission to you//
the said Richard Beaumont to be Ensign in a Company of the Militia of the said County of Derby under my command whereof His Grace the Duke of Devonshire//
is Colonel, you are therefore to take the said Company into your care and charge as Ensign thereof; and duly to train, exercise, and discipline the inferior Officers and//
other persons armed and arrayed or to be armed and arrayed in the same according to the rules and discipline of War and the direction of the said Act of Parliament.//
or any other laws now in force relating to the said Militia; and I do hereby command them and every of them to obey you as their Ensign and you are to observe and//
follow such orders and directions as you shall from time to time receive from His Majesty, myself, my deputy Lieutenants, your Colonel, or any other your superior//
officer; pursuant to the trust hereby reposed in you and your duty to His Majesty. Given at London under my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of January in//
the twenty second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King Defender of the//
Faith, &c and in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two.
George Cavendish Lieutenant
Stamps and seal

Item: Original document BA Box 1.121
Provenance: Southwell (from East Bridgford)
Comment: I think he was christened in February 1761, so at this date he was just, or about to be, 21. It appears likely that he will have gone, with the Derbyshire Militia, to Devon in 1782 (see newspaper reports, Derby Mercury). It also seems that the Militia was stood down or "disembodied" early in 1783, assembling most years thereafter for four weeks training. He remained in it until at least 1789, when he was promoted to Lieutenant shortly before that year's assembly (London Gazette, Derby Mercury). He lived, later in his life, in Birmingham (lots of evidence in this Archive), and it seems that he is the RB who was living there from 1784. There are various puzzles about him, including in particular about his marriages, which I intend to bring up in later posts.

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