

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

R.M. Beaumont "In his own words" part 1

This booklet was prepared on paper in 1998 and is to be reproduced here in several posts, slightly edited.

Title page
Richard Melville Beaumont
of Southwell

In his own words

Inside first page
"Be not extreme to mark what is done amiss"

Humility is perpetual quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, or when I am blamed and despised; it is to have a blessed home in Mind where I can go and shut the door and be at peace as in the deep sea of calmness, when all around and about is trouble.

(1998 note: Richard wrote: “I found this (a dog-eared printed card) among Mrs G.H. Fowler's papers at Leamington when I was clearing out her house. I liked it, and put it in my pocket book where it must have remained for about forty years. I doubt whether I have lived up to what it says.”)

Editor's note (1998)
Richard told us that we should have to type out his 'life story’ but gave no instructions what was to be done with it. It was handwritten into three books, the last of which was unfinished. He started it at Scarborough in September 1996 and was still working on it in the last few days of his life.
It is given here more or less exactly as it was written. I have simply corrected minor anomalies, broken the text into 'chapters', revised the running order in one or two places to put things which occurred to him later into their proper places, and made a very few cuts. The mistakes can be blamed on the editor's general ignorance and habitual inability to read perfectly clear handwriting.
A few dates and other comments from me have been given in the form of footnotes.
September 1998
© Copyright Estate of Richard Melville Beaumont.

Editor's note (2017)
Re-issued with some corrections, mainly of my errors in the footnotes.

As and when I find more errors, I will try and correct them.

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